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By submitting an article in the scientific journal "Finance, Markets and Valuation", the authors confirm, that:
  • the author or authors have all rights on the article.
  • all the persons who sign this work have participated in its planning, design and execution, as well as in the interpretation of the results. They also critically reviewed the work, approved its final version and agreed to its publication.
  • No person responsible for the manuscript and who meets the criteria for scientific authorship has been omitted from the list of authors.
  • the article is an original and unpublished work.
  • the article has not been and will not be submitted to another journal for publication, unless it is rejected.
  • none of the data presented in this work has been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted. The original data are clearly distinguishable from those already published.
  • the original sources on which the information contained in the manuscript is based, as well as the theories and data from other previously published works, are identified and cited.
  • the source of previously published figures, tables, data, photographs, etc., is adequately cited in the article, and the necessary permissions are provided for their reproduction in any medium.
  • the consent of those who have contributed unpublished data obtained through verbal or written communication has been obtained, and such communication and authorship are properly identified.
  • all coauthors consent on its publication in the journal "Finance, Markets and Valuation", giving right to the publisher of the journal to give free and open acces to the article under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY).
  • the authors agree to the politics of the journal "Finance, Markets and Valuation"concerning impossibility of a publication return once the paper has already been accepted.

The Editor in Chief, Assistant Editors and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher.

The Editor-in-Chief of Finance, Markets and Valuation is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The Editor-in-Chief may be guided by the policies of the journal's Assistant Editors and subjected to legal requirements such as copyright infringement or plagiarism. Decision making Editor-in-Chief may will consider the opinion of the reviewers to take this decision.